Questions for the ladies?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MountainGod, Sep 16, 2018.

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  1. What you mean?
  2. Hell no not gonna make myself uncomfortable just to have a friend, f that noise, and I really hate being uncomfortable too especially when I can avoid it, I don't talk to strangers and I definitely don't want them talking to me
  3. I stand by my 'men are gross' stance. There a few exceptions but on average y'all are legit biologically programmed to be attracted to all women.
  4. Antisocial
  5. another question:

    if a boi approaches you to give you advice with bowling when you suck balls, is that flirting or being friendly?

    asking for a fran.
  6. Lani-Love, you have something called Anthropophobia, go see a doctor 
  7. Get better at bowling, rynn. Then you won't need to wonder
  8. Chances are yes

    especially cause they approached you cause they know you suck balls.

    and that...that it hard to get off a boio mind.
  9. Maybe not the best wording..seems just friendly unless they did that cheesy hold your arm and show you how to bowl ?
  10. Wednesday, Same could be said about women, why are they attracted to dogs ? dogs are gross

    I wouldn’t date a girl who had a dog,
  11. Lmao, chill fam. Most people go out to get things done or see a specific person, or maybe we’re just antisocial and don’t want to interact with people we’re not trying to talk with.

    Respect boundaries. That’s all it comes down to. If someone is obviously busy, is put off by the convo, or downright shuts it down.. Respect that.
  12. Pls anon if he was holding my arm, I'd realize what he really wanted.

    he wants a handshake. :D
  13. ezcuse me? dogs are man's best friend.
  14. I'll take your handshake bb
  15. Women have cats more often than they have dogs tbh. And women are compassionate people (more so than men on average, anyway) who like animals? Duh. And honestly, I would tell someone to fùck off if my cat didn't like them. Cat is family, you and whoever else are strangers trying to intrude on our already perfect family. That's just me tho
  16. Most definitely, when I talk with someone and they give a vibe that they would like to be left alone, I respect that
  17. nice firm handshake is never friendly, shrexual tension
  18. Good. That’s all it really comes down to. A lot of men, and women, don’t understand boundaries when they’re set, even if the person blatantly states they don’t want to talk, and will continue to push. As long as you’re not that type of person, then go ahead and try to make friends!
  19. I’m cool with cats, they do there own stuff, so I respect them, dogs are so needy,

    I don’t know what guys you been with, but you need to find your self a better men
  20. Thank you warmth! See you get it and Honestly offended that they assumed I got a mental problem

    Why don't he go see a doctor about being an ass?
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