Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SugarDaddy, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. thanks a lot hehe
  2. Holy snap SugarDaddy is actually a sugar daddy?! Haha that's great
  3. This one time at band camp... I farted near the camp  fire. Oh' boy. Poor little Shelly. She wore a wig for half the school year. She hates my guts now. I still walk the hallways and scream," Shelly, I'll hold it in next time!"
  4. Okay

    Pretty lies for bento

    You're welcome
  5. The earth is flat 
    Aliens exist
    Mermaid exist 
  6. You actually love your worst enemey.
  7. Size doesn’t matter ?
  8. Pimd is a life changing, rewarding game
  9. If money is the root of all evil, lets plant it all, and burn down the evil forest that grows from it.
  10. Didn't you start with the prettiest lie of all (the giveaway)?

    a lie in general: I love you and only YOU and will forever continue to do so...
  11. Winner #3
  12. Santa is real
  13. My clitoris talk to me
  14. I’m okay. :)
  15. I ain't gonna win
  16. I’m going to win a bento 
  17. I eat puppies and kittens for breakfast and take my showers in my enemies blood. I live in a 90's McDonald's ballot filled with black mambas. I raise their children.
  18. *ballpit not ballot.
  19. Italians are so quite you can barely hear them talk 
  20. Any1 has bento?