Looking for... Great New Gift Ideas!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 10, 2018.

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  1. Gifts about games, or some sort of gift for the legit farmers
  2. Rocking chair
    Never too old to play PIMD
  3. Gift Ideas (Unsure if these have already been made but ye)

    - Sweet-tea
    Iced Sweet Tea with a Kawaii face

    - Haterade (Made 100% of your tears)
    A Gatorade bottle with the haterade label

    - CutiePie (you’re a snack and a half)
    A little snack pie with a kawaii face

    - a Water bottle of Aquafina (cause you’re fine and i’m thirsty)

    - Lamp shade (hide that shade.)

    - Lotion (for those lonely nights)

    - Sticky Notes ( REMEMBER TO DO THIS )

    I can’t think of anything else. hope y’all think atleast one of these are funny and original uwu
  4. I want the apple pipe back! Or more pothead related items. Ty ???
  5. A face mask like this:

    Saying like: a face mask to make up for the lack of order in your life (it doesn’t actually have to be this I’m having trouble thinking)
  6. ?Hotdogs
    "You don't wanna know what they're made of"
    "Taste the mfing rainbow"
  7. Baby Pacifier
    - We need to gift it to those cry babies that need one 
  8. I think a rubber chicken like you get in a gag gift shop would be fun to send to ppl who run or cry about battle hits
  9. Pair of roll eyes ? as “you’re so annoying!”
  10. Support asf ?
  11. Friend Bracelets
    A heart with ily written in it
  12. A hand buzzer to send when you successfully prank someone
  13. I think angel wings would be cool. Or even demon wings. And you can do hunts along with this ideas.
  14. Pancakes with a "don't forget to eat your food hooman" as a message xD

    A Valentine teddy holding a heart with a message on it " here's my heart for you "

    A bed  that's possible right? A messy bed with pillows and blankets that can
    be sent send to your rs or friends saying "ah my good comfy bed"

    Or a cat / dog ??
    I just find those adorable 

    These are the ones I have for now x. X bdhdb
  15. A cow.

    Because that's a Moo'd + Because of Doja Meow song ?
  16. LOOK: A Graduation Cap with scroll(degree)

    MSG: "ahh a piece of paper saying that I can make more paper "($$)

    Since pimd is all about a college feel, why not have a graduation gift to signify that working hard pays off while making it fun at the same time.
  17. A penguin
    with the message "wanna cuddle?"
  18. Bring back the crabssssss
  19. A glass colorful bong would be awesome as 499 ec furniture and something to gift ?
  20. Sacred Lotus flower hmm message can be
    “Hi, I love you.” Another one a little bear
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