Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 7/10

    You have nice furnitures but for me it doesnt really match when put together??
  2. 8/10. Works nicely but, the walls and floor being same colour over powers the whole dorm; takes the beauty away.
  3. 10/10 as always I think the current rug you have fits better than the anarch one ️
  4. 9/10 it’s rly cuteeeeee, but likeeee the above desk and above bed throw it off ??
  5. 9/10, love the light colors against the dark wp - don’t like the floor.
  6. Looks so cozy I just wanna nap in there! 8/10
  7. Awww takes me back to Girl Scout days! Love it! Almost as much as Girl Scout cookies ?? 9/10
  8. Cherry I would eat the chocolate on your desk
  9. Like the dorm. Bed is cute but doesn’t blend at all with rest of dorm. 8/10
  10. 9/10 just need ur 999 and ur sorted
  11. 3/10. Loads of furn missing ?
  12. 9/10 would play with the kitty endlessly
  13. 9/10
    Just not fan of same hunt dorms
  14. 6/10 wow such trees