Random Intel Give Away

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIIIlIIIlIIIlLINKIIIlIIIlIlIII, Sep 1, 2018.

  2. Heyy I need musicians please! ??
  3. I appreciate you bro , I'm collecting musicians
  4. Well, I need punks and musicians ?
  5. I’m glad everyone is helping everyone out! I’m helping as much as I can I haven’t been able to help everyone but I’m helping when I can if I can. Hang in there peeps ️
  6. Awie, you are so sweet! I can do either 40 musician or 60 jock, either is fine. ?
  7. Hi, I'm collecting Jocks and Musicians :)
  8. hi! i’m doing jock right now so i’d appreciate music or punk - i don’t really have a set amount since i’ll take whatever i can get 
  9. Hello if I may get 300 of each I'd be much appreciated
  10. I'll take jock or any other intel you'll give I appreciate it
  11. Thank you so much! I need punk and jock! Not really worried about how much
  12. Need all cause I'm busy tbh
  13. Ill take anything u have, i can give u this hunts boxes if u want it. I also have a few summer furniture boxes i wont ever open if u want those too. Thanka if u can help :)
  14. Can i have 120 or less jock or intel? Thank you for doing this <3 I'm doing punk just to get the whoopee cap item lol
  15. I still need to collect jock, musician, and punk. Please help me out. I need atleast 5 intels 
  16. I need Intel too if y'all have extra bring em my way ty
  17. I'll be lucky if you give me
  18. I need some, please 
  19. Can I have some Music intel then? Im broke i need sugar daddy or mummy, your son needs music intel pleasee. But if you are kind enough to give me. Love you ?️

  20. I need help :,(