Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 10/10 all fits well in a pretty turquoise (?) color ?
  2. 7/10 ? I love the purple galaxy color scheme you got going on, but the big teddy seems out of place maybe the window too other than that cool dorm!!
  3. 8/10 cute! I think that the midsummer desk would fit better than brotein but really nice 
  4. 10/10 pretty cool mix. I don’t like above desk but it works
  5. 9/10

    Very nice?
  6. Rate my dorm!! ??
  7. 10/10! Very cool ️
  8. nice bartending parrot
  9. 7/10

    kefo stop being naughty. i made a whole thread for your showcase rating :( necrobump it.
  10. 9.8/10, I like the different wallpaper you chose from the last time I checked out your dorm! Would be 10 but I feel like either the floor or wall still doesn’t quite.. match.
  11. 9/10 I love the combination; works well superbly. 9, because you’re lacking the 999. Overall great.
  12. 10 ! it flows really well & i like the kitty !
  13. 10:10 love the galaxy vibe
  14. Can anyone rate my dorm and tell me any flaws and what you think is the appropriate fix? Thanks!
  15. ? 4/10. Too many diff themes. Try to use diff hunt furnis with same color schemes or stick to one specific hunt furni. Hope that helps.
  16. 9/10 looks good but not biggest fan of same hunt dorms