Need Theme For Upcoming War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kefo, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. Virginians Vs Non-Virginians

    Yw Kefo
  2. We know how this would end Murica got nothing on some rice eating bois
  3. Pep bento VS Chibi Bento
  4. Jaco vs kefo
  6. Hypersomnia vs Insomnia
  7. CNN vs Fox News
  8. Fake news vs No support
  9. People Who Believe ATA Cares About Players


    People With Brains
  10. Good one
  11. Forking vs Spooning
  12. Selfie Thread Vs Catfishers
  13. Hawt vs. Ug-lay
  14. Lot's of ppl would be signing up for the latter tho

    Full disclosure: sign me up for the latter. :')
  15. Trump v. Impeachment
  16. USA vs UK
  17. Shirts vs skins
  18. Red versus Blue