hi, want free stuff?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kitten, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. Studies show that dogs see humans as entirely different creatures from them, but cats see humans as larger, clumsier cats. Cats also developed meowing as 'babytalk' and only meow when 'talking' to humans or kittens.
  2. Get 1k fight losses to be relevant
  3. send kitty pics
  4. You're not OP and all you're doing is complaining, so why even monitor thread?
  5. Cuz i have nothing better to do atm. But this doesnt make u relevant
  6. I have 1k f losses Mom
  7. O hi idk what to say
  8. Damn I have to laugh.
  9. Hi, I want free stuff
  10. Here is an art thing that i like by lora zombie. She's one of my favourite artists and does mostly water colour stuff.

  11. hi can i get free stuff lol
  12. You're awesome for this.
  13. I don’t want to win anything. I just came to show support for these types of giveaway and community building things. Thank you .
  14. This is really pretty, omg
  15. okay so like a lot of people know this ig but

    caterpillars turn into literal goo in the cocoon because it digests itself.. and then reforms into a butterfly.

    the weird thing though is that when the larvae comes out of the egg, it has parts of a butterfly in it. one example would be that it has had parts of its wings inside of it, kind of like a “blueprint”. but then it just destroys all of it and becomes a goo, then a butterfly

    I just
    Am completely fascinated by this
  16. Dat goo has a lot of genetic coding in it that determines how it will reform.
  17. nah i dun wan free stuff,anime n manga is life.i see neko

  18. My favorite hello gif.?
  19. I have 15k losses love me :(!!!!! ?