Seeking: Feedback on Masculine Avatars

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 11, 2018.

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  1. Fav avi the old jack skellington avi
    I like this avi because i love that movie also he's just cool looking I'd like to see more like him and the old day of the dead Avis that u could customize with face paint
  2. My favourite is he dark guy with beard and man bun, with black clothes.
    I feel that female avatars are better than male Avatars, as in they are better looking overall than male Avatars.
    Also, beard styles in the avatars could be experimented with.
  3. My favorite Masculine avis were the halloween werewolf avi. He was so scary but sexy at the same time. He was the type of monster you would want to haunt your dreams or into the woods. My second favorite masculine character is the idol crates that's happening right now. His eyes are so dark and mysterious but he so sexy. He's like the dark and mysterious guy who doesn't speak in highschool but everyone girl want him. He's like a lone wolf who follow his own rules and no one can take away his freedom.
  4. My favorite male avatars are
    -Black Friday t10
    -Peppy Poolside
    -Dandy Candy

    -These 3 avatars are put together nicely. They present themselves with combed hair
  5. 1. The Harlequin
    2. I really love how well put together the color scheme and his costume is. His expression and pose makes him also look really calm and collected, giving off the cool and mature vibes that I love in avatars.
  6. Retro records
    Reason - costly as hell.
  7. My fav avi is the black and gold rose(vip) 

    Reason- i worked hard to get it and i love it .
  8. The Male Ava currently are not good as compared to old one the olden ones were realistic and casually awesome I would like to suggest to make them more muscular and a bit casual too.. And the ava creation is really good and to be appreciated to ATA but I would like to suggest this thank you ?

    These two both look like college students I've seen and interacted with. They aren't hyper-masculine and they seem approachable while they clearly fit in their own stylistic niche. The color and shadows are dynamic, and their poses help define them almost as much as their clothes and expressions do.

    I know, like most games, PIMD is meant to be an escape from the 'real' and it tends to embrace the ideal female/male forms in their avatars. And, to be frank, I am not opposed to that. I like the fanciful dressed female avatars and the bare-chested men who look like sculpted grecian statues. But, the more 'real' an avatar feels, the more I identify with it. If that makes sense.
  10. My favorite avatar is barbarian because he looks like a warrior and ready to kill his enemies brutally
  12. Fixed x2 ?
  13. My favorite is the gardener lookalike of Channing Tatum.
    We really like it when it's a celebrity inspired avatar and please do some more.
  14. 1. My honest favorite even though I never used it was the Basketball Fan avatar.
    2. I like it because his style is super plain and easily recreated in real life. The details are also so on point. You guys got that face paint well done as well as things like the rips in his jeans.
  15. 1. What's your favorite avatar?
    -Fluft Punk why? Kitty that's why he's cool
    -Holographic Hero why? Dupstep yo
    -Elf Esteem why? Great Xmas Avi
    -Skull Face why? The only decent Asian Avi. Cuz I'm Asian
    -Cool Fourth Year why? Mysterious man dresses in black just like I am
    -Jack Chill why? Another great Xmas avi. It's Jack Frost dammit
    -Activist why? Can't go wrong with animals this one has a panda my spirit animal
    Tiger Mascot why? Cuz it's greeeeeaaatt. PS.another animal Avi can't go wrong

    2. Why? My whole evaluation on masculine avis now a day.
    Now they keep making avatars towards sex appeals. I know that sex sell but lately masculine avis are half nude (chest area) example those 200ec boxes for the past 3 ones I've been at the max strength has been topless... This goes to female avatars ass well. I would love to wear male avatars if it was decently dressed and has more details to it. Something different. I think that they should bring masculine avatars more sophisticated and not sexy. I get it sex sell but it should be less of it. I'm not saying they should be gone, but it should be less of it.
  16. 1) My favourite avatars are Easter hipster and stag king
    2) I like them cause that are good...
    i) I like Easter hipster cause, he looks perfectly chill and swag. His tattoo is his extra point.
    ii) Stag king is my fav cause he is different and charming with his horns making him look like some guy from a fantasy movie
  17. I don't have a lot of male Avi but my favorite male Avi is "Stone Cold Snow" he's inspired by John Snow ?
  18. In my opinion I loved all Avis bc they all showed different ranges of colors, and what they wore.

    Personally, my fav one was from the regela hunt (the wedding one) 2k18, from the soulmate boxes. (Forgot her name but it’s the vip one). She’s my fav bc she looks so real, and she has a perfect hairstyle with the blue and white dress and she’s holding the cute corgi.

    Hope you read my feedback and I hope I win ️
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