1: Crafter of perfection VIP 2: Cause look at that dang manly beard. Cant beat that. And what's more manly then drinking beer? Done deal tbh
So far my all time favorite avi is the Seattle sound female avi. The reasons she is my favorite is because she is a bigger girl and not that normal skinny half naked avi. She also has a very nice look in my opinion just wish she didn't cost so very much and she was easier to get.
My favorite is the uptown bomber and the one from the pirate hunt last year. That one was cool. You guys have really improved your drawings of the new characters and showing diversity in each hunt. Maybe more realistic people would also be cool. The ones that are "noob avis" look more like people o could run into.
1. I love the Black Friday, the Drake avi and the Rose Gold avatars 2. They just ooze the feeling of fancy & chill while being so dope at the same time. They are just very different from the clothing and styles which makes you feel special when you use them
1. Of the ones available to me, I’m going to say the “Football Flirt” 2. Because he’s just an average guy honestly. It’s fine if you want to make avi’s that match everyone’s personalities. But sometimes just making an average simple avi is perfectly fine And you know no matter what avi you make, you can’t make everyone happy. That’s why it’s good to mix it up every time.
My favorite masculine avi is the romantic (vip) avi, it's awesome and good high stats avi and also it's more funn to find single rose, bouquet, Bush and swan in the campus cos sometimes it's not easy,but yea it's more worth it and I feel more satisfied when I get my avi now. So I love this avi more
I like the Retro Records avi due to his stat's. I also feel like you put a lot of thought into designing him, making him truly fit into the punk scene.
So If I understand the topic you want to improve masculine avatars in the game. Firstly,I found your masculine avatars really varied in the appearance (style, clothes). But, it missed some varied faces. Young masculine ava are not really present, they seems for the majority have 20 years or more. So maybe add more teenagers faces or looks? And of course add more badass avatars like the Vip ones. Because not only VIP ppl shoul be have the right to feel badass lol. Secondly, it will be really cool to add some cute masculine avi because man also can be cute asf. Endly,it will be really to find new poses to masculine avatars because it seems always the same. Voilà, I hope I helped you.
1. Boulevard boyfriend 2. To me it's the best male avatar I have ever seen created by pimd.It has a bad boy vibe to it and the tattoo on it is like icing on a cake, and not to mention it's Handsome and it's a very attractive avatar...especially since it's got on a suit and the shirt Is half way unbuttoned showing the avatar chest...i love it
1- any tan or brown one 2- because I’m Brazilian and I relate It should be Easier to get them and more diverse! Or even create a Avatar creation
What I like the most male avatar Boarding school teacher Why Well... i will how the outfit matches the character and the color of the outfit to the clothes matches each other and the character self. Plus the avatar does not show it is buff and masculine and become some kind of sex symbol. And the post it makes is cool and does not look like a try hard. It still keeps the decency of manhood while making the character look cool.
Tbh my favorite male ava would be the uptown bomber V.I.P because well its got character is posing like a god hes got good hair hes actually good looking good physic even though hes not buff like other he may not be the best but lots of ladies love him hes got my full support ...
1. The holiday boyfriend. 2. Reasons for this is it was the first major hunt avi you released. It took alot of teamwork to get the set of avis back then. Now it seems most of the decent avis you've released are owned by 90% of the players.
Feedback on Masculine Avatars I’m still new to PIMD thus I still don’t have a favorite male avatar however I do like realism with a mixture personally and character. I pay attention to detail I would love to see more male avatars with tattoos. Not so much sexuality. Perhaps more of a edgy style that relates to trend styles that guy wears. I would like to see more male avatars with more character to them and not random half nude males. Will add more to this if I can think of something else.
The guy holding duck stuffed toy. Because he looks so cute and awesome. That makes him look so masculine
1. My favorite Ava would be the Valentine's hunt rose prince 2. Reason being it really reflected the nature of the hunt.well dressed and classy. Lately even tho you are successful with showing what the hunt is about with the Ava's I don't really think you have been successful with designs at times the guy Ava's are just not on the same level as the girl Ava's are. Be it looks or expressions I hope it helps ?
My favorite is the evening paramour from 2015 Valentine's Day Hunt I guess because he is very manly and I love his 6 pack abs tbh. *wink* *wink* I can marry him right now! Lol
I dont its name but i thinks it the leaderboard avi of thailands hunt 2017 the one having a yoga pose.. he looks sexy and hot..