Invite-Only Android Beta Test: Keep A Lookout!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 3, 2018.

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  1. Im new, so i would be honored to test things.
  2. I honestly think it's a great idea and. I hope the lucky people are grateful.
  3. Im willinge to try the new party out
  4. I would love to test it out
  5. Will looking forward for this ?
  6. Woop woop!
  7. Im never picked for anything, but hope this comes to and stays for android.
  8. Hoping one to try it. Thankyou :)
  9. OooOoh sounds fun, hope I get picked!! Good luck everyone!!!!
  10. Think it would be interesting to help with play testing of the new builds! Would also enjoy in helping move the game forward!
  11. I hope They Pick me
  14. Pimd you'll miss me if you won't invite me
  15. Who are you?
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