Seeking: Feedback on Masculine Avatars

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 11, 2018.

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  1. UPDATE – 08/14

    Thank you all so much for your well thought-out and at times, impressively laid out feedback! Our art team is content and our content team is artful.

    It was tough selecting the most useful feedback but out of the top 30+, we managed to suss out these three as Crate-deserving so congratulations folks! Keep a lookout for your Crate in your Rewards Inbox!

    Our team will take your suggestions into account and we'll see where that all takes us!


    Hey PIMD fam!

    The content team is currently hard at work running a few initiatives to improve our content and this is one of them!

    We've been getting some feedback from you all regarding masculine avatars in PIMD and in our quest to ever deliver content you guys will truly, madly, deeply enjoy, we're aiming to improve our offerings!

    From now until Monday the 13th @ noon Pacific Time, the comments section below will be open to taking your valuable feedback on our masculine avatars.

    We will be locking this thread at that time, but to add a little incentive, we will be picking the top 3 most useful and insightful feedback comments as judged by our content team to give 1 PIMD Crate each to!

    Please note that troll-ey pieces of feedback can warrant you a ban from the forums; we're trying to work harmoniously with the PIMD community here in order to serve you guys best! <3 This means no hateful, discriminatory, flame-inducing comments. In other words, don't be a butt.

    In not too many (or too little words), please answer the following questions:

    The art team are looking forward to reading y'alls messages!
    Muschi likes this.
  2. 1. My fave is the man-bun one from easter 2017 boxes
    2. i like this one because it’s different , i feel like a lot of male avis have similar stances and face structures
  3. 1. The guy on the top left in welcome screen.
    2. He looks daddy af.
  4. My avi is my fave tbh, since he looks fairly good at parties. Even though his strength is damn nice

  5. I like these ones  they’re dudey, but casual and chill..

  6. This.
    Because it's very good looking tbh even the stats suck
  7. 1. I really enjoy the gold rose ava
    2. I enjoy this ava because you guys actually put effort into the clothes :( sometimes it feels like all the male avas have the same style or wear the same clothes with a different design on them.
  8. Tho* wowza
  9. 1. Present-Day Plunderer
    2. He is well put together.
  10. Just a bit more effort into it n it would be good. Coz this hunt is just wow. All uz did was change the color of the shirt nothing else but the chick avis uz changed every thing
  11. 1. ManBun 
    2. Bunny ears are the new manbuns (better also have a manbun, to be safe). The tattoos are dope ?
  12. The Easter avatar from a few years ago
    The one in the SnapBack holding the chick
    He’s always been attractive to me. I think because he looks so casual and handsome.
  13. Oh the one Ahli posted in the left corner??
  14. 1. L.A. Look
    2. That hair cut is so Millenial ️

  15. A few I like  mainlyI think when either male or female Avis have their backs towards “you” and facing sideways it kinda seems lazy like even less effort into them than normal

    extra things like Avis holding things or tattoos/face paint etc add extra to them and they look better. Female Avis have makeup or hairstyles and dresses and such whereas males just kinda get simple looks unless they’re on leaderboard :( so giving males something extra to make up for that difference would be nice.
  16. This is all i wanted. :)

  17. Crimson Causal and Dandy Candy. I prefer handsome rather than muscline
  18. 1. CEO of Suave
    2. Cause he's a good looking CEO
  19. The Hollywood avi with his fingers to his cheek.
    It’s just a well drawn avi
  20. The Hard-Working Fire Fighter he inspires me a lot and makes me go to gym everyday my clubmates know that i go to gym ??‍♀️
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