ATTENTION THE ADMIN/MODS/ATA/HIGHER STATS, Hope you guys take it seriously and take actions on it.They're abusing there power and the same time scamming by using CF.Hope you read this letter soon, about the SFW the're is club name, The Sorrow Center, they farming INNOCENT people, because of something that they have grudge on specific person on the club, Here the scenario: They farm on the people(members) on the club whose INNOCENT, they dont farm to them, they are only there because of B2B CC Party.But there farming them, then ask for CF-Ceasefire, they misleading the real meaning of ceasefire then,it only used with they engage or onging war, but the're not declaring war/or farm/hit back.But there farming them, then ask for CF-Ceasefire, they misleading the real meaning of ceasefire then,it only used with they engage or onging war, but the're not declaring war/or farm/hit back. But they still want CF for items/bento, which the people work hard for it to get from events/bought it REAL MONEY. In that result the INNOCENT PEOPLE who got farmed is undergoing on depression,which basically leads to suicide, this is alarming.They basically scamming and hurting people at the same time.Here is there In Game Name of the people who farmed Innocent people: Vhan , Cynic , -IPrinceOnlyForHer- , -kenjiiii .
Keep crying. You could’ve always have just used your main, but I’m sure you were in fear of being farmed even more.
What if they took the battle button off of your profile altogether and the only way you could hit is from the battle list?... Or it only appeared if you were on the war list? Would that fix your problem?
My statement needs no justifying. Op is getting farmed because she’s probably done something to wrong them, therefore her sorry ass can pay CF (not from cynic because she doesn’t take them) or shut up and go inactive tbh.
If people offer CF willingly when asked than tbh I feel that it’s not anything wrong they willingly gave it to them if people gave you bentos would would you take? Common sense people would. Farming is part of the game mechanics, innocent or not. However, claiming someone is scamming is silencable by ATA.
LOL you were warned to leave the session, I stated to leave for a walk away, or stay and CF, you chose to stay along with many others. Your session club put my friend and his girl in sfw, y'all wanted to play so we played, stop crying about this, if it's so bad you are depressed, CF and get it over with. I'm nice af!
Yes, I’ve managed to figure are very short and simply way of curing this depression. By either uninstalling or CF’ing.
Actually it’s more alarming that you’re willing to take it so far as to mention suicide for a mere farm war for CF. If you can’t take games don’t be on it. @James can’t help it that he has the same name as you ?
But people might start assuming that I am naughty and it will be because of you and your arpee’ing rs.
We don’t RP actually we just changed our names because my pup wanted us to that’s all. ??♀️ People are just attracted to you with or without his name tbh.
Not to be rude but pvp is part of the game and until a few years ago the only way to play, if you dont like it pay cf and move on or leave the club and go to another one their beef seems to be with the club not you.