Zodiac Signs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kelhie, Jul 29, 2018.

  1. Where the hell are the capricorn?
  2. Where are Capricorns ?
  3. Alright I’m seeing things about how Capricorn wasn’t spoken about by the OP, here’s some Capricorn info I know off the top of my head or have seen in my friends (please remember that if your sun sign is Capricorn, that doesn’t mean it’ll be 100% you! you can be more aligned to your moon or other planets, it just depends!)

    Capricorn’s tend to be extremely loyal and protective when they care for someone. The only time they would leave is if you truly mess up, they don’t want to deal with wasting time or playing games.
    They are often trying to be honest and fair, not wanting to base things off of only their immediate emotional reaction if they can avoid it.

    Capricorn is a cardinal sign, but they’re able to be mutable or fixed at the same time. They’re capable of being more free spirited, but also capable of getting things done and being hard workers. When they are committed, they’re not going to give up.
    When it comes to being friends with a Capricorn, they normally need a lot of dedication in order for them to truly commit to you. They often seek out friends or partners who are sensible and dedicated like them, but that doesn’t mean they only want to work all the time. They want to have fun with outgoing activities sometimes too, even if they don’t necessarily express that.

    One of the downsides to Capricorn’s is that they tend to seem kind of arrogant, though they still have an intellectual superiority, they tend to carry themselves as though they know what is right a majority of the time and that their way is the only way, realizing it or not. This happens due to their main planet being Saturn, causing a focus on growth and themselves. It’s not always a downside, though. They are often trying to think of what’s best for them and whomever they care about!

    That’s just about all I can think of. 
  4. idiots smh
  5. End of the day, Zodiac signs don’t decide what your personality is like, that’s for you yourself to decide on your own.
  6. Libra’s aren’t actually super materialistic. If your Venus sign is Libra, then you’re more likely to be materialistic, but sun sign Libra’s, even though they belong in the seventh house to Venus, they tend to find themselves being competitive with material things, not necessarily actually having a materialistic mindset :)
  7. I wish some of you wouldn’t be so hateful towards zodiacs and those who want to believe in them. Just like having a religion can be grounding and help others, believing in zodiacs can do the same for some people. No need to make others feel down for finding this interesting or wanting to believe in it. 
  8. Believing in zodiacs can help others? It’s more like judging people based on what day they were born in.
  9. You say that as if it’s all bad judgement. We cannot judge someone by only knowing their sun sign. There are amazing things about every sign, planet, etc.. I personally don’t base my relationships with others on their signs, I simply believe that it’s interesting to know peoples signs and finding things that align with them.
  10. Religions prescribe social orders and a way to live your life.

    Zodiacs generalize people, gives you a means to discriminate, and judge people prejudicially, clouds your judgement of your fellow man, and traps, stagnates, homogenizes, and deadens -via placebo- peoples' individual identities.

    -and is sometimes fun for skeptics too.

    That's the extent of it.
    It's fucked that you know that much about them and you believe so strongly in them. Remind me to never tell you my DoB.
  11. If believing in zodiacs gives me my sense of belonging and something to have faith in, who are you to say that’s wrong?

    Most people who are properly educated on zodiacs or even just interested in them do not judge. You speak as though religion doesn’t cause judgement of others. I personally, along with other actual believers, wouldn’t judge based on sign because we know every sign has pros that far out weigh the cons to a massive amount.

    It’s something fun and interesting. Why judge us when we don’t want to discriminate or judge you, but want instead to, if actually knowledgeable, spread some fun possibly true things?

    Also, knowing just your date of birth wouldn’t give me any information on your actually personality if I were to base a bit off of zodiacs. You need date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth ?
  12. You're making this sound like a cult now
  13. Bumping this for those who might look for Capricorn and not see this :)

  14. Well, the only positive aspect she listed was a sense of belonging. That's also a pro-point of cults, so waddup.
  15. Omg y'all stop ruining it..so some believe in zodiacs big freaking do..Most of it is for fun..Just because I love being a Leo and tell everyone about it doesn't mean I'm hard core into it..stop bumming people out and have fun. Tell us your zodiac sign be proud of it and move the F on..like seriously
  16. So you need more info than you could possibly ever get or expect from an individual to say something about them? Bet that doesn't stop you. How many people have you gone down that rabbit hole with? And if it takes so much effort, what's the point?

    It's an excuse to disprove the falseness of horoscrope claims... an unseen factor. Breh it's meant to have all the factors: Month, week, day. Sign. Isn't each sign meant to be enough? sun and moon are excuses. every single additional irrelevant factor you add is another excuse for imprecision.

    You want real factors?
    Socioecononic status, home environment, friends, parents' opinions and beliefs, prenatal temperament changes due to hormones/diet, culture, etc.

    Try those. Don't you already belong in your society?
    Don't you ask people about their parents' values?
    Why don't you believe you belong with truly similar people?
    Why do you need some bs and easily-falsibiable link?

    Horoscopism is nonsense, and you know it.
  17. If you only do it for fun, you shouldn't be bummed out by it :lol: you should know it's a joke
  18. Forever a Leo and proud!
  19. You're the one bumming me out with your negativity child..you do this with all the fun threads and then they get locked..Sit the hell down and move on
  20. -?Disprove me, or shut up.