what do you so when you're frusrated/angry/Sad?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_RaL_-Tiny_Toes-, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Everyone seems so aggressive when angry :lol:

    i just retreat to my corner and do fuck all

    This doesnt answer your question btw ?
  2. If I’m feeling negatively in anyway, if it’s not too bad, I’ll practice cord cutting. I’ll visualize the “cord” coming from me, whether it be my head/face, chest, etc. and will physically pull it forward and act like I’m cutting it. I do this until I feel better, and then I calm down further with music or my singing bowls.

    However, if it’s too bad, I’ll put something heavy on my chest and concentrate on breathing because it’s difficult with the object on me and forces me to focus on it instead of what’s upsetting me.
  3. Sing sad songs. Be depressed. Sleep.
  4. This but rp is the drug
  5. Being bipolar with extreme down periods only thing that has 100% worked for me is physical exercise and a somewhat healthy diet. Isnt a quick fix but if its a common issue in your life then thats the way to go.
    Quick fixes can be a short walk, loud music while taking a shower or bright colored socks :)
  6. 2014 vs 2018
  7. Smoke and listen to my playlist.
  8. I submerge myself in marinara sauce on my tub and pretend to be a meatball while I contemplate declaring war against Germany on sundays during hours of church services. Ik I have a unique way but whatever works, right?
  9. Listen to music
  10. Recently my doctor has switched me from CBD to medical marijuana and that’s helped a bunch for when I’m sad and getting anxious or having a ptsd episode that leaves me sad for a while. If I don’t use that, I try what I said on the other page or just go to my bf for help since we’re together 98% of the time luckily 
  13. Fall back and go ghost
  14. Usually, I just think of the aftermath if I dont do a certain responsibility at hand. It usually gives me a bit of a nudge.
  15. usually music when I'm in a not okay mood but sometimes I just randomly get instantly calm and act like I'm slightly high...probably a drug my brain produces so I don't do/say something stupid to my self

    Anyway Music, Menes, good vibes and good ppl/friends are nice for relaxing
  16. Get one off on theplayboybunny's tacos. She thinks it's sour cream from Spain every time :lol: