[Comic} Forum Drama Bring it here!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Creator-INK, Jul 18, 2018.

  2. Real creativity > ass kissing on a game.
  3. where did she ass kiss in this comic, just out of curiosity?
  4. Here you go. You already made friends with the wrong crowd. No need to try to be relevant here. And I explained it in the first paragraph.
  5. ...i saw.

    i don't know which characters she misappropriated... as she 'called' several people stupid and barely any other named people were mentioned besides me, who said nothing and just sat at a table, and intoxicated who just say one line. i don't see how anyone was misappropriated or misrepresented as we have all called each other stupid at one point, and forum fights are a daily occurance which almost all of us are guilty of.

    i was more or less asking for an elaboration on WHERE characters were misappropriated and WHERE she kissed people's asses.
  6. *offensive comment*
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  7. Isn't flattering someone = ass kissing?
  8. Hailey, this is why no one believes that you're an English major... maybe you WANT to be one, but it'd be better for you to find something that you're ACTUALLY good at.
  9. Am I the only one who noticed she used an open bracket then closed it with a brace in her title ?
  10. The OCD kicks in
  11. It's not you, it's me! 
  12. Ok whatever