Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_A_-CareBearCrystal, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. Hey there! So I’m sure we’re all familiar with these little things...

    They’ve become a staple in how we communicate online, and a thing that most people use on a daily basis. Who knew these little things could become SO important to us?! So since today is World Emoji Day here are a few fun facts about our beloved emoticons.


    1. The first emoji was created in 1999 by a man named Shigetaka Kurita in Japan
    2. The first World Emoji Day was celebrated on July 17, 2014
    3. There are 2,666 emojis in the Unicode Standard list as of July 2017.
    4. 60 billion emojis are sent on Facebook every day as of July 2017
    5. The top ten emojis used on Facebook are , , and 


    So what is/are your favorite emoji(s) and why?


    Thanks for reading.
    ~ Crystal 

    Please refrain from breaking the ToU or Forum CoC. Credits for the facts go to this source
  2. Molester moon 4 life ?
  4. i  u
  5. ? molester moon is a PIMD fav but rl fav is ? because it can be used in a nice way or for shade.
  6. ?all?day?
  7. ? moon is always a fave
    ? also this is always shady, maybe you just dont realize it ????
  8. ???????????♞

    I have no single favourite because I go through phases
  9. ? this is one of my favs because it just gives off attitude for dayss
  10. Mood.

  11. Jaco what is your favorite emoji
  12. either ? or ?
  13. ? or ☹️
  14. None. Not a fan of emojis
  15. ? it looks fake sometimes
  16. World

    Where’s the bleach?
  17. ? sorry I couldn’t find a bleach emoji, this is the best I could do