find your bday twin

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_AvadaKedavra_-, Feb 18, 2018.

  1. Bday twinnnn ??
  2. October 12 1996.. Libra girl ??? HMU twinnie wherever you are
  3. 20 January 

  4. Thats crazy, finally after 69 pages. Giggity
  5. Come find me November 11th twin.
  6. August 27th
  7. We're triplets ??
  8. August 28th 
  9. Too bad no one near my birthday which is 8 March

  10. Found this is my birthday too
  11. October 12 and haven’t found a twin yet
  12. OMG! I was about to give up  hey bday twin 
  13. I scrolled 79 pages just for you, I found ya mah twin
  14. June 10th ?
  15. My birthday's February 19 and my boyfriend's birthday is February 18 