Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 9
    I'm not a fan of the bed.
  2. 8.2/10 i dont really the choice of above bed
  3. 9/10
    Beautiful dorm! The 499 doesn't match but that's okay!
  4. Lol whoops I’m selling everything in there it’s not my usual dorm
  5. 4/10 even though Ik you’re selling 
  6. 10/10 I love mixed themes and yours flows together very well.
  7. 10/10 I love the mix!  (@whoever rate mine please recommend chair suggestions?)
  8. 9/10 would suggest either co-z cloud, idyll chair, hny chair? Something whitish gray ???
  9. 9/10. I don’t think the coz poster fits the theme you have going on.
  10. Thanks ? 8/10
  11. ? I may switch between dorms so could ya wall me when you rate? 
  12. 8/10 bed looks so uncomfortable and I cannot bear the food crumbs left.
  13. 8.5/10 a few things look off. I think maybe a darker floor and another desk? Maybe plant too? It just looks a lil funky with the gold

    *Whoever rates mine, I finally found the above bed I've been looking for. I'm thinking of changing my rug to biblo rug... Thoughts?