3-Month Rule

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TitanGel, Jul 10, 2018.

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  1. ever heard of the 3-month rule in a post-relationship? that's the time you have to let pass after a breakup and before looking for another partner...
    otherwise, you'll only use your next partner as rebound and that's unfair to the person who was used just to get over the past one cuz s/he deserves genuine love which you can't provide for her/him yet?
    now you know, spread the word, thank you...
  2. What fûck boy got you messed up
  4. Huh tell that to my ex ?

    Jk but I mean it could be that feelings faded before the relationship crashed and burned up so idk... never heard of this 3 month rule ?
  5. an immature one
  6. This post makes people sound like such animals
  7. Relationship noob
  8. i'm sorry :lol:
  9. I started dating my current boyfriend, whom I now live with, about 2 days after I broke up with someone so uh screw ya 3 month rule
  10. it's not like you're a relationship expert when you have no gf yourself
  11. Wow you're disgusting
  12. 2 days is such a short time... you were desperate?
  13. How am I disgusting? You know nothing about why I broke up with him or my closeness to my now boyfriend prior.

    You people shouldn’t judge so easily.
  14. If I were desperate, I wouldn’t still be with him over a month, let alone two years later like I am now.

    There’s a difference between desperation and knowing something is meant to be.
  15. 'You people.' I'm an individual, I don't speak for all of pimd, idiot. And i'll judge you as i want. I don't care about your semantics, i think you're disgusting.
  16. no, you were desperate, you just fell in the process of using him
    and time can't really tell what is meant to be until it's done..
  17. I was referencing you and titan since both of you responded to me.

    However, I’ll ask again, how am I disgusting?
  18. So me dumping my boyfriend at the time for being an asshole and ignoring me randomly the entire time we were dating.. and almost an entire week before I broke up with him.. totally means I was still in my feelings for him and desperate?

    Nah. I’m developed enough in my romantic feelings to know when to let go and when I can be with another person again. There are no rules to it.
  19. Well. You're a cheater for one. No one dates someone after knowing them romantically for only two days. Unless they're an idiot so maybe you're an idiot. It's one or the other. Either way, disgusting.
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