Like when you hate on other people by saying we're all just depressed adults, in a negative context? We are supposed to support your depressive lyrics when you weaponize a mental illness against others? I think not. You are inviting commentary by posting on a forum. It wouldn't be a thread if it didn't receive comments... that is kind of the point of posting it. You will receive negative feedback, because that's a given when receiving feedback ー it isn't all going to be positive. All I'm saying is, if you can't handle the heat then gtfô of the kitchen
You had to create an alt to post this? Pathetic, lol. Anyways, I have Becky blocked so I never saw any of her comments. I pretty much troll in pc and troll people who come at the mods sideways. I keep pc lit and entertained, but how come you guys don't ss my comments about the other races? Also, what grown ass adult saves screenshots of teens trolling from days ago?
I can't hate on you guys. Y'all beneath me, peasant. You're not a real English major. You have no comprehension skills. I'm not inviting remedial commentary by posting on a forum. Sure there will be those who dislike it, but haven't you noticed that those who aren't haters explain why with valid reasons? You others just love to hate on me. Period.
AYEE??? ? Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya And I'm down for you always IDC IDC MY JAMMMMM LOL ??
You and I both know that's someone's alt. The entire status is a lie. I bet that creature is 21+ in reality?
What is up with you people and alts? Listen, everything I do is public? What they do isn't, which is why they use alts
My grandmothers have died so you can go to hell and rot while they look down on you from the heavens and laugh for their entertainment. News flash as well, my grandmothers were racist towards darker skinned people no matter the continent their ancestors hailed from. You stand no chance. Also if you’re a teenager wasting your time on an app you’re wasting your high school years because reality is a bîtch and you’re about to enter a world of pain. Tough luck Jaco.
You weren't even fighting me? I had the other Rivens pinning you sis. You're mad that you can't find a club that I can't get you kicked from #Power.
We don't need to hit you. You're by yourself in a club, your RS has been stripped and you don't have any tuts either. You've lost, don't start fights with Rivens you won't win.