My Real Life Love Life

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed34360, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. You need to move on. Meet someone new.
  2. You just haven't met the right lady yet. Hang in there, you will.
  3. I know I’ve been ghosted.  Then, I just block the ghost. Haha.
  4. Throw it back at him
  5. Love is overrated anyways.
  6. throw what back? :eek:
  7. LOL can’t relate
  8. Men r trash can’t have me bothered
  9. Wow, I'm a boy so I'm not included.
  10. You're a virgin, aren't you?
  11. Something u both have in common ️
  12. omg, i googled it
    well yea, a proud one, i'm saving it for him :lol:
  13. I am single and still Virgin.
  14. I'm a virgin if you haven't sucked multiple dìcks.
  15. ... idk whether to post a joke or to lurk