So I just changed my name to probably my favorite Dr Seuss character ever, it got me thinking what's your favorite Dr Seuss movie, book, and or character and why?
I knew it, I was about to ask you that because you dmed me earlier and I didn’t know it was you until I scrolled
I hated The Lorax- book, movie, and character. I did not read Dr. Seuss as a child. However, Dr. Seuss Goes to War is a GRRRREAT book.
Actually I like them all tbh. I bought the box of books for my son. He's only 6 months old, but I read them to him.
Oh The Places You’ll Go!!!! That shít was bomb, I used to force my grandma to read it to me every night, and when I started acting it was the first monologue I performed on stage :—)