I'm only going to comment on two things here... let hoes be hoes, men and women. There would be rules obviously. Permanent bans for dick pics. You like girls so you'd follow them more, lol. If my face was ugly, you b!tches wouldnt be on my d!ck so much. GOMD.
With so many ppl posing as someone else..what makes u think that ppl will post their own selfies :lol: Y shud this happen?? So "pimd hoes" (whatever your definition of the word is) dont get attention that they don't deserve (as per u). Boy even when they have no idea about how ppl look ppl are creeps... imagine providing them with a face to fãp to (not that some dont do that already to avatars)...yeah no thx... doesn't solve anything except more creepy comments, fake pictures or hateful remarks....this isnt fãcebóok
Nobody is going to get off to your face... Again, don't group me in with you PIMD people... You guys are calling every guy who's sexual a creep. When creepy is just something you're not interested in... Y'all need to stop acting like y'all models or something. It's not cute, be humble. Cat fish would be banned, helps a lot of people out. Kids would be banned. Or maybe you guys don't care about the pros?? It's not necessarily a bad idea. Oh, and to the people who spread their legs for anyone/virtual avatars... don't mention creepy, lol. No shade. Just don't be sucking up anybody then acting like people are creepy when you do worse shit...
1. Did I say my face?? Learn to read...if this app needed me to put my own face up for strangers to see and potentially stalk..I would not be on the game 2. You are a person who is on pimd...so u r a pimd person... believe me I'd like if u weren't.... 3. Any unwelcome sexual remark is creepy just like every advance made by a guy towards u is creepy or disgusting to u as u've mentioned repeatedly...stop having double standards and defending creeps by using the excuse of heterosexuality or being sexual 4. "Be humble" from u sound like a joke 5. Is ATA going to stalk everyone to find out who is a kitty fish? Arent they against third party communication..idiot 6. Again how will kids be banned if they use pictures off the internet..not to mention some people look older or younger than their age..how u gonma judge based on a selfie 7. What @ last whatever it was
1. I merely used an example. Learn to understand the English language better. 2. I'm not a PIMD person. I don't commit the same crimes or low morale activities as you people nor do I hate on someone because of their skill and their accomplishments. 3. Do I call guys creepy for the gay sexual remarks they make towards me? No. I don't call girls creepy either. Pasta could be unwelcome to someone and they'd call it creepy. My sexuality also isn't an excuse. It's my pride as a straight man to be heterosexual. 4. Naw, you're remedial. 5. I don't take opinions of people who can't get attention with positivity so they're negative into consideration. You, foolish creature, are pitiful. 6. You know what who cares. Let them find out from experience. I don't care. They know what they're doing. They like that type of stuff. They literally fantasize about it. 7. Don't respond with anymore remedial or negative contradictions that really don't matter at all, especially if they aren't valid.
I mean if a profile is required and I put on a mother fuckíng naruto picture on there then what that hell would you be able to do?
So give people freedom to post reasonable things as their profile pics then. Nothing derogatory to any group of people and nothing naked. Simple.
but that defeats your whole point of preventing cat físhes and kids to play the game. I can see many people simply not using their pics coz they want privacy.
Woah woah woah, you added me first, I’m just being nice and keeping you on my list tyvm. Also, gotta make sure you pay child support so there’s that
If I was ugly, you wouldn't keep me on your friend's list. If I was ugly you wouldn't interact with me at all. We don't have a kid together. I did add you first like around Christmas, but I was giving you the gift of interacting with me. Be thankful
What does being ugly have to do with me interacting with you. You’re ugly and I still talk to you smh. You better stop playing and claim Demetrius Jr, I need that child support money. Dont flatter yourself :lol:
I don't see females letting ugly guys nut in them unless they're millionaires. I see girls only curving guys who they find unattractive as well. I wouldn't nut in anybody who'd put me on child support or who'd give a baby an ugly ass name like that