Dumb question, God doesnt need to come from anything, He is God. Should you argue and say that everything has a causation, He is the cause. The cause that causes him is the cause that he is.
The definition of God is that he is not physical, he is not measurable, identifiable is questionable. You're 100% right to say no because it is what it is.
Dumb question, Universe doesnt need to come from anything, It is the universe. Should you argue and say that everything has a causation, Universe is the cause. The cause that causes universe is the cause that Universe is. why can't you people just respect each other's views and live in peace?
my opinion that science textbooks exist?? or my opinion that all religions have their own creation story????
Dumb response. Remember we are concerned with the question "is God Real?" not "is the Universe Real?". Unfortunately the universe is physical, anything that is physical has a beginning and an external cause. The same cannot be said for God, He is before the physical, neither is he physical.
How you know he ain't physical, breh? How can something that isn't physical influence something physical?
This the hierarchical structure of the communication between the physical & non-physical. Top-Layer[non-physical] God Mid-Layer[non-physical] Other gods e.g angels/non-angels, able to gain info from top layer, but cannot affect top layer. they can affect bottom layer. Low-Layer [physical] Mankind, able to gain infor from top layer but cannot affect top layer. I won't explain to you more than this, i know you're questioning me with a scientific mindset & that only deals with the physical. I can only measure to you, what you measure to me. The question to me is as dumb as asking - If you cannot see the wind, how can you feel it? Now to the first question - I'll ask you, what is God if he doesn't have the attributes that make him God? what is measurable? the physical. Is God measurable? breh @invalid
@kingnolies Why are you so defensive though? this was meant to be a decent discussion. Are you Christian or something? Not being able to prove he doesn't exist doesn't mean he does.