Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 9/10

    Something just looks off
  2. 9/10 very cute but I just don’t like the above desk

    (Please leave recommendations for me thanks ?)
  3. 9/10 love the room! The window is a little out of place. But overall, your room is gorgeous !!! ???
  4. 9.9/10 Just cause you’re missing 999 but I actually love it

    The person who rates mine, I know it’s trash k thanks 
  5. 1/10 yeah u right ;(
  6. 8/10 Pretty good. ? Standard geode dorm
  7. 9/10 ? Really well matched
  8. 7/10 most matches but lots of it doesn't
  9. 9  Not a big fan of the kitties
  10. 8/10 something feels wrong. Maybe too much blue on the left side?

    I love the dogs tho ?
  11. Would say 9/10 if a different wallpaper, starry wp doesn’t seem right? Maybe something thats more an indoor theme ?
  12. 8/10 some things dont match like the 999 ec but i love what ur going for that bed is amazingg
  13. 9/10
    The poster looks out of place. Really nice looking but not my style
  14. 8/10

    You have some really cute pieces but I’m not sure they go well together ?

  15. 8/10 your looks good for those who love reading books plus the 499 in your dorm looks really well! :)
  16. 10/10 I love the theme.
  17. 6/10! I love the theme since I’m such a patriot but you gotta complete the set