God isn't real. I believe there is no afterlife of any sorts. I also believe that God was created to comfort people
God is real. I want to know the unbelievers explanation for how the world began. And don’t say the Big Bang. Because what caused that?
science textbooks exist for a reason. also other religions all have their creation stories which differ from that of the abrahamic faiths.
Depends what you define as "God". There are people who take comfort in the thought there is a being above everyone else. There are people who are conditioned to believe there is also a being above. So it is real to some people in that sense, in the same way Santa Claus is real to children. The idea of it is real, that is all. As for a physical, measurable, identifiable being, then I would say no.
It was actually a man named Copi who said it first, though I may have paraphrased it slightly. Apologies if I did.
I don’t believe in god. Haven’t for a very long time. I don’t believe in him for very personal reasons. Such as; people constantly tell me god does so much good for us, helps us.. Why have I and so many others gone through trauma upon trauma upon trauma, then? That question isn’t made to be answered, but feel free. I just don’t think a god could exist in such a cruel place.
I do not believe god exists, because here’s what has been proven to us, a handful of men who actually existed claimed to have either been their own word(allah, god, etc.)’s son or his prophet. And then they wrote a book about who people assume to be real(can’t be proven so I don’t really care if do or don’t believe in it) and all of these rules that are outdated and this book everyone says is God’s words which isn’t true in the example of Christianity, because Jesus wrote the book. So it never sat well with me growing up as a Christian or catholic I couldn’t and still can’t tell the difference so please don’t get offended at that, but I decided that I wasn’t going to be a part of it but I’m never going to actually fight against it
The reality of god is directly proportional to the strength of your faith Without believers, he's nothing