Websites And Shiz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rynnethia, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. o hai. it's your favourite blue text person here.

    for a tl;dr version, please scroll down kthx.

    so, my final exam is coming, and after it is the term break. what that means is that I would be bored for a good three weeks, since my job isn't available during the holidays.

    yesterday, while I was thinking about why pimd websites aren't a thing, I stumbled across an old wip of mine. apparently I was in the same mindset as I am now, and ended up making this aesthetically pleasing design.

    now, I don't really want to just leave this design to waste, so I thought, why not continue it then?

    so now I'm here, trying to ask forums, (because my frans suk at this idea thing) for ideas for a website they'd like to see that could fit this design. it could be pimd-related or not, idc. I'm just bored to shiz and I need a life for the next three weeks.

    what kind of website would you like to see?

  2. pimd gossip website
  3. You could make a blog
  4. Welp... after that. I’ve got nothing.
  5. Ditch the design and instead make a brand new website- Club Penguin 2.0
  6. oh god pls
  7. do this one
    Oof, I wish but, I'm too nub to make a server based game. :c
  9. Never mind I lied I just mind my business for now tbh
  10. O sorry I missed this reply, but it was originally meant to be a blog. I just didn't care enough to continue posting after the first post. :c
  11. porn websites ftw
  12. would it be html/css based or would you use WordPress?
  13. Kolalagang fan page
  14. That was on wix. Wix will handle the web design easily, and allow for javascript code.

    Also what's a kolalagang
  15. Support
  16. Double support
  17. Kolalagang is da movement to spread awareness to the ancient language of Pingaling
  18. I am so afraid of automation :(
  19. Can you teach me Pingaling?

    Also, what do you mean you're scared of automation? :c
  20. Isn’t there already a Club Penguin 2.0?
    >>Club Penguin Rewritten