Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 9/10 looks so good! Just need a 999 
  2. 8/10
    I was really loving it until the 999. I dont think it matches the dorm very well.
  3. Actually? Maybe it could work with the right chair.
  4. 2/10 clashes a lot :c
  5. 8/10

    Really like how the bookcase items look like they belong together in there even though they're actually all from different sets! You made ur room work for the most part imo
  6. 6/10 i love the items in there they just dont go good together
  7. 9/10- ur 999ec doesnt really go with ur dorm
  8. 9/10 Awesome but missing plant and vip shelves look a little off. But looks great still!
  9. 7/10 nice dorm but like, no originality everyone uses Co z dorm if they have it

    Whoever rates mine, pirate dorm is best dorm so your opinion doesn't matter
  10. 7
    No originality in a dorm set ATA assembled.
  11. 9 - I love the overall theme.
  12. 6 , no theme and missing items but you have a palm tree 
  13. 7, it could be better
  14. 10/10 nice!️