Some people are allergic to deodorant. We need to hook up our sensitive skinned friends up with antibacterial ointment.
Nobody "needs" deodorant. It's just some bs society made up. And now that it's "normal" to all of us, we think the idea of someone not using deodorant is disgusting. Are you people the same kind of people who vomit after seeing dogshit or something? These are natural things that you guys find disgusting. That doesn't seem right to me. Plus, if someone often showers and wears clean clothes, how bad can it even be? Seriously...
That's like saying I don't brush my teeth because it's been normalized by society. if I chew on enough gum, how bad can it be? ??
That's not the same thing at all. Brushing your teeth actually cleans your teeth. Using deodorant is just something to cover the smell.
i wish i were you to have never had to smell some serious body odor issues that people have :lol: what a lucky man also "deodorant just covers the smell" no it doesnt. it prevents it. thats literally the point of deodorant. have u even read this thread like 10 different people have said that
I wish I was this passionate about my studies during school. I would have become some neuro surgeon or shít.
Although I made some jokes about not wearing deodorant that num num person is right. You're not suppose to wear deodorant. It's a societal norm that's been established to not offend anyone's sense of smell as well as stop you from enduring embarrassmentioned from other people's comments. And a lot of deodorants are bad for you due to the aluminum they have. That doesn't mean I'm saying to not wear deodorant btw, before anyone says that.