Stay Cautious on Internet!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lamia94, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. Stay Safe People

    Was just watching YouTube videos and came across one in which it was mentioned that how a random oerson on 4chan asked people to take a spoon and wrap duct tape around it and heat it and then cool it.
    which resulted into serious injuries
    plz if you visit any kinds of forums for xample Reddit,4chan and even these forums.

    Do use a grain of sense and don't do the random experiment any stranger or troll tells you to do as life is more precious than you think !!!

    stay safe.
    peace and love.
  2. only dumb people do dumb things ?
  3. What happens tho
  4. You're speaking to the generation that choked on tablespoons of dry cinnamon to entertain.
  5. and tide pods as well.
  6. We are, simply, determined to die.
  7. We are pathetic.
  8. Hence, my previous message.
  9. Why tf u say this and not say what happened now I wanna do it to see what happens u gonna kill people with this shıt ox
  10. Awh, thanks for being worried <3
  12. sigh

    "don't be on the internet, because some scrub will make you do something since you dun have common sense to not be an idiot"
  13. Apparently the spoon explodes, from what I see
  14. Heating up a spoon with duct tape around it to extreme temperatures and then dousing it with cold water will explode and burn anything in its path, causing you to a painfully burn your hand or lose your sight.
  15. Sigh
  16. Holy sea turtles. :lol: this is why I don't follow challenges
  17. The heat from one lighter will not get a spoon hot enough to combust when put under cold water immediately after.

    If I had to guess, it was a cheap lighter. When lit for over 2-3 minutes it's own plastic can begin to melt, and the lighter is what, most likely, explodes.
  18. This actually reminds me of someone telling to mix different chemicals to get beautiful crystals while in reality that created chlorine gas (that's poisonous) and nitrogen tri -something (weak chemistry background) with would either kill you coz of poison or blow up on your face.
    This is 2018, I thought it was common sense not to believe random trolls on the internet.
  19. who trusts anything from fuçking 4chan
  20. 4chan is my religion