How to be a forumer?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourFavorite3, May 31, 2018.

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  1. idk tbh
  2. i commented on variois thread different comments thats aint spamming idiot
    but your contniuos arguing , useless posts , useless quoting is prime example of post farming heck you admitted it
  3. Saw his comments, they weren't exactly spam tbh, he doesn't write the same thing on all the threads ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
  4. now firebends bend for us
  5. @alicia

    That “-“ guy he just spammed no support about hundred times in the fan fiction lol. Noob is the one who exposed him

  6. I mean.. you got the various threads part right.
  7. what about the screenshots of him saying just "idiot" on a bunch of threads? like kefo showed several pictures of all his posts in a row that just said "idiot".

    edit: nvm got ninja'd
  8. what
  9. Why do you wanna fight everyone sis? I said 'they'.Bith aphrodite and noob person took it like a funny remark but you're taking it too seriously.

    everything okay?
  10. things i do for you guys
  11. what's a jaco?
  12. again i was reported and yet im here so i guess im not spamming ey
  13. i'm not fighting you. i literally just said i was confused and was asking for clarification.
  14. True lol, that guy spammed the exact same words on the same thread
  15. yes firebends fight when she get her ass bent
  16. Hailey getting defensive af lmao
  17. A literal saint guys! You just don't want to see the good parts.
  18. Hailey's still got a pure heart. She just hasn't realized what deserves replies and what doesn't.
  19. deffensive and butthurt
  20. i just feel like i need to defend myself. and every time i think it's over the fight is picked all over again. ??‍♀️
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