How to be a forumer?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by YourFavorite3, May 31, 2018.

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  1. You know how to *****, don't lie please.
  2. Trolled
  3. Noob> Rynnethia ?
  5. she and jaco are cute couples , both seems butthurt
  6. Too bad jaco isn't here now ?
  7. I ain’t trying to throw shade but you have made a few threads that are now/were abused for post count farming and also you keep just reposting your selfies on selfie thread.

    I’m not saying that all your posts are like this and on the level of noob where you just say 1 word etc. But it is a fair amount.

    You’ve been in forums for near on 5 months, so since then you’ve made around 20 posts a day (maybe less maybe more on some days ofc).

    Now taking this into consideration, i can’t find it convincing that every (on average) 20 posts you make a day are all going to be quality
  8. and this is why i love this girl , she knows what she is saying
  9. jaco always around
  10. When noobs confesses their love for you

  11. Dude I admitted that I do a tad of post count farming; I just said that MAJORITY of my posts are not the result of that. My issue was with Noob accusing me of post count farming and acting holier-than-thou when all he does is post count farm, and him acting like all of my posts were farming.
  12. lol yeah i love your presence around gotta admit
  13. good you confessed you post count farm finally
  14. ANYWAYS back to topic here’s my tips of what I think a decent forumer is

    ➖ Engage with the community, share your opinions, beliefs etc. Show us you’re a human (BUT if your opinions are bigot and arrogant, you will have a hate mob)

    ➖Be accepting don’t discriminate (this is linked with the point above)

    ➖ Do ? your ? research ?
    By this I mean don’t copy or regurgitate threads that already have been made. (I.e. POTD, RS, Selling/buying items etc)

    ➖ Learn the forum coding
    I’m still learning but I love and appreciate with effort is put into threads where it’s colourful, has gifs and images etc. If it’s just plain text I’m not gonna care.

    ➖ Don’t over spam threads. Make say 1 day not even that, and only make quality ones.
    Not dumb ones that ask the most basic questions just for the sake of sparking a convo.

    ➖ Be creative !! We love people who share their talents and their creativity. Think of new games or comps to bring to forums !! This will make you popular. (However build a rep first because people are sceptical on whether you can be trusted etc)

    That’s all I can think of atm.

    Good luck ️
  15. dude, i admitted to post count farming a while ago. you just have zero reading comprehension.
  16. you do realize post count farming against rule and you just admited it ?
  18. I just reread the Forum Code of Conduct and it says nothing of the sort. The only thing that sounds like it might be what you are referring to is the rule against spam, but I do not spam. Again, majority of my posts are not the low-effort farmy ones.
  19. ask a mod or ata , farming post counter is against rule
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