Forum Game: Two truth ,One lie.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lamia94, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. Two truth and One lie game

    Rules are simple:

    You have to post two truths and one lie about yourself and the player below will guess the which one of the three statements is a lie.

    And then he posts two truth and one lie and the game will continue.

    If you come back to the thread and find that the person below you guessed the wrong answer then you will quote them and tell the correct answer and write two more truth and one lie and the game will continue.


    Person 1:

    I love cats.

    I once fought with a tiger

    I love to drive on rainy days.

    Person 2:

    Statement 1 is a lie.

    I love drinking a lot of water.

    I think horses and zebras who don't wear track suits.

    I believe that the earth is flat.
  2. Maybe after the other person guesses, you could edit your response with the answer? I can see it getting pretty clogged up if people are posting just the real answer after someone has guessed.
  3. Good idea..
    You are smarter than me.

    Let's do it this way.
  4. Let's start.

    I work at taco bell.

    I hate winter.

    I love going to beach on rainy days.
  5. Statement 2 is a lie

    I’ve not heard of half the genders/sexualities ata has put in the bead gifts

    My hat blew away into a pond today

    My favourite colour is blue
  6. You can't edit your post anymore after 5 mins
  7. Statment 2 is a lie.
    I grow my own vegetables.
    I love lemons.
    I love Amusement Parks.
  8. Statement 3 is a lie

    I own a dog named Bambam
    I love pineapple on pizza
    Im a girl
  9. Statement 2 has to be a lie ?
    1. I spend large amounts of money on here.
    2. Ive visited Hawaii
    3. I owned a skunk ?

    Geeez. Did I make it easy? Hahaha :D
  10. Statement 3 is a lie.

    I live near the beach
    I never had my first real kiss
    I don't have a pet
  11. I’m a transgender, I’m an eagle scout, I do art
  12. 1+1=2
  13. It’s two truths and a lie. Kefo is a lie

    I have a very tiny (microscopic) appearance in Star Wars The Force Awakens

    I performed magic for David Copperfield

    I own a bronze chariot
  14. Statement 2 is a lie.

    I am a horse doctor.

    I go to Germany for a break every 6 months.

    I love turtles.
  15. Statement 1 is a lie

    I’ve animated cartoons

    Anime fan

    I like watching kid shows
  17. this is boring
  18. I thought this thread was dead, who bumped it up? :(
  19. Who else?
  20. Pardon me