ok i thot about it and i got some ideas 1. $1,000,000 2. To not have my mental illnesses 3. Mozzarella sticks
1. Love that didn’t come with 80 bazillion strings 2. A stable mind frame 3. Can’t say because the forum trolls would just eat it up like skittles ??????
I guess as I aged, this question became easier to answer. We need some damned parameters because I have 3 things that most suggestions people make would fit under. 1) perfection 2) good 3) eternal and universal happiness amd euphoria but damn when you go that far, you really see the value in the struggle. Cause wouldn't everything be meaningless with these things? Let's do silly ones tho 1) 1 third of a pretzel 2) 1 third of a pretzel 2) 1 third of a cheese
Money Money Money jk I woild wish to be an immortal vampire. I would wish to be able to walk in broad daylight. I would wish for all the awesome abilities they have in every piece of fiction there exists.
You gotta be specific though! What perfection and good? I just imagine a genie granting these wishes and twisting it around .
Genie could only twist those things around if they aren't objective states, and are subjective ? Absolute perfection is like this crazy thing that'd probably blow everyone's minds if it was real.
1. Unlimited $1.50 chicken nuggets from Burger King for free, for life 2. Whenever I crave some hot cheetos for a bag to appear right in front of me 3. Have Spotify Premium and Netflix for free forever I’ll be set for life
wowowowow way to crush my hopes and dreams :cry: gonna eat my feelings in hot cheetos and chicken nuggets
1) for something entertaining 2) for my lover to be beside me for as long as we’re alive 3) unlimited wishes 4-infinity) donuts for days
1. To always have enough. Enough money, enough room, enough time, enough love. Whatever I need, I wish to always have enough of it. 2. I’d wish for more honest and good friends. Ride or die types. The ones that you can talk about nothing and everything with. A solid group that you get older with. Parties at 21 and whatever old people do together when we get older. 3. That everyone would get their one deepest wish (as long as it doesn’t hurt or destroy another living thing or infringe on their free will). Everyone would get the one thing they wish for more than anything.