
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Whorchata, May 26, 2018.

  1. I just seen a Harry Potter 2.0 thread was locked and honesty I don’t understand why. There’s tons of hunts that have been going on this year that aren’t that great. Everyone’s allowed an opinion, so why can’t we request a “repeat”?

    Too everyone saying that HP is dead..can you explain to me why they released a Hogwarts game (plus another one is coming out soon as well)? Can you also explain why we basically have a second hand franchise because of Harry Potter? Fantastic Beasts is set in the same wizarding world. How is something so “dead” still releasing new content?

    I do understand the thought of “you missed out, too bad so sad” do NOT get me wrong. However they could do a FB driven story and it’d do just as well. A lot of the HP fans are grown up now but, that doesn’t mean we still don’t love this series. Oh, plus not to mention that said adults would probably be MORE than willing to spend $$ to get every thing out of a wizard hunt.

    TL;DR. I don’t give a hufflefück ?
  2. It was locked cus op created too many threads talking bout the same shii

    Also, no support
  3. Two different peeps closed them for repeat threads, otherwise they were fine ?‍♂️
  4. I fell asleep in the theater while watching Harry potter 2 on the release date. Harry. Potter. STINKS.
  5. Being butthurt wont help your case
    Grow up already
    Go play with a stick off the game and pretend it’s a wand
  6. Her thread was locked because it spammed a topic.

    You can request and suggest hunts but don't expect people to be on board with you about it. I'm a Harry Potter fan myself but if a lot of people aren't into it, I can't force them to be.

    It isn't dead but maybe it isn't as relatable as it was back then in pimd.
  7. why op is butthurt
  8. harry potter sucks
  9. you look like harry potter tbh
  10. do you mean daniel radcliffe? harry potter isnt a real person
  11. i expected some lame reply , but not as much as that
  12. tbh i liked you and thot you were a cool troll that could actually troll but i really dont appreciate your recent personal attacks on me. i dont know why you have a huge issue with me all of a sudden.
  13. personal issues ? but i dont even know you to have personal issues with you
  14. Thank you to everyone who reasonably explained why the thread was locked. I haven’t been on the forums for the past few days so I really appreciate y’all taking the time.

  15. stay off forum for longer
  16. where did i say personal issues? i said personal attacks... as in you are attacking me directly...
  17. You all nerds
  18. you said i have issues with you and personal attack , do the math idiot
  19. Mmmm no thanks
  20. np