Sneak Peek: Party & Chat Revamp

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 25, 2018.

  1. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    And what’s that supposed to mean
  2. So what I learnt it;
    It's going to look more childish
    It's going to look more attractive to children.
    It helps young role players...
    It's dumb.

    Just keep that off Android please..
  3. Don't know I'm not a dev but parties have changed so much in 5 years and PvP has had nothing done. They devs instead of "improving" parties brainstorm so PvP ideas
  4. dont ruin android version
  5. The way the parties look remind me of that Kylie and Kendall game.

    Chat looks cool though. I like the different sections.
  6. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    the private server does not work
  7. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    Nothing, just me being passive agressive for no reason. ?
  8. Fixing stuff that isn't broken tbh

    At least it isn't for Android?
  10. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    I don’t mind change, I try to embrace it ??‍♀️
  11. I support you man
  12. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    Ready to catch some hands foo
  13. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    good for you
  14. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    If foo stands for Focking Outstanding, then yes, I am foo. ??
  15. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    Thank you for those kind words
  16. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    What’s with the moon and hearts
  17. Re: Sneak Peek: Party

    They're called emojis, you pleb.
  18. Eww plz never make this happen on android it looks fưckn horrible

  19. Indeed.

    Screen shots of this game in the Google Play Store are going to look even MORE inviting to the underaged folks. Ugh.
  20. So does your negativity ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ no but really new pimd gonna be interesting