Wedding War on May 5, 2018

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SaltyBishMimi, Apr 18, 2018.

  2. Hi my name is Violetta and I was wondering if I can join
  3. When is this?
  4. Can people even read the date? Please lock.this thread
  5. New Dates for the War will be Announced in Next Few Days

    Ty :)
  6. June 2, 4pm EST New Dates for Wedding War

    Rosters will be Announced Prior to War

  7. Sign me up. 40mcs
  8. 34mcs sign me up~
  9. why did you bump this old ass thread? the war already happened almost a month ago.
  10. Actually, it had to be postponed

    Its now scheduled for:
     Jun 2 @4pm Est 
  11. ohhhhhhh lol
  12. 36mcs sign me up - If it’s not too late
  13. Ign Changed: Sammy_dreamz -> Adrien (26.5mcs)
  14. I would like to sign up plz.