Describe your CLUB in One Sentence

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PIXIE, May 25, 2018.

  1. WtC clucks to have fun!
  2. Thanks :lol:
  3. Boring asf
  4. Wish they'd lower their ihs prices. ?
  5. My club is awesome ??❣❣
  6. Irreplaceable.
  7. Cool members 
  8. I was describing my club in even less than a sentence ?cuz we accept noobies so... like ...yeah. Your image there was fab tho rip
  9. Party fairies
  10. they dont kick me
  11. The Arena means Maxi family.
    :smile: :smile:
    (but currently RIP)
  12. Better than your Ex?
  13. I quite like my club! ? The cc is active, my admins are great, we have a fair amount of ec parties, and we've accomplished a bcr of 183 in less than a month. (ccr: 186)
  14. "All is fair in love and war."
    Kthxbye farm us. (I wanted to add the quotation marks)
  15. Doing the same party everyday is really boring