What would X do?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 420Tommy4Ever, May 23, 2018.

  1. its simple ask a question and I will tell you what I would do
  2. So let's imagine if Riven hit one of your members that isn't a perm...without knowing they were in your club...what would you do?
  3. Depends on if they told me or not but most members can take hits so probably nothing 
  4. Kthx I'm gonna keep hitting them ? Bye come visit soon
  5. Have your toe nail ripped off or your finger nail
  6. shıt your pants
  7. 

    Would you rather shît your pants and not be able to save your favourite trouser


    Shît your pants in front of someone
  8. Shit your pants fuck your pants
  9. X would give it to ya
  10. op you suck i thought this was about r.kelly
  11. [/quote]most members can take hits so probably nothing [/quote]
    Just by looking at a few members your average club losses are about 250. They sure do take a beating.
  12. I thought this was about DMX. X Gon give it to ya
  13. Depends who the person is
  14. I like how his RS tried saying she fixed something then deleted it cause she failed asf :")
  15. it is an occasional forums glitch. she didn't fail; the system failed.
  16. Like you as a farmer ️️️
    Hehe ly bb 
  17. LOL BET
  18. DTW note up
  19. Remember when you and I were like this Lala ♡
  20. Why’d she gotta get herself in trouble again ?