Walk Away.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, May 22, 2018.

  1. Well then, I'm not going anywhere unless I'm specifically instructed to do so old friend
  2. Send me all your misc... because lets honest... you don’t really need any.
  3. I didn't even know I had any
  4. You do... I’ll take your cap and your pupperino and everything else... just know you will probably be farmed for assisting the revolution which will not be televised.
  5. -eats popcorn-
  6. 2 songs popped into my head reading this

    1. Walk This Way by Aerosmith
    2. Legs by ZZ Top
  7. Ohhh I see what you did there
  8. Hi pls televise the revolution
    I'm bored
  9. But like, I wanna stay tho
  10. Oh but "Why so serious?"??
  11. I’m reading that book too
  12. Chill is angry
  13. I’m never angry.
  14. ?????????
  15. Dead meme
  16. Dead’nt
  17. Congrats on quitting thread
  18. Not yet... in a few months bb
  19. Dead stats. Don't address me until you're in my hit range