some pet stuffs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kitten, May 22, 2018.

  1. inc half sad thread

    after a years-long fight with cancer and other health issues, i had to say goodbye to my baby girl last week.

    she was an invaluable part of our family for 18 amazing years and i couldn't have asked for a better friend to grow up with

    neither the family nor her could handle being apart from each other so she travelled the world with us on our yearly vacations. she's seen more cities and landmarks than most of my friends ?

    i already miss her like crazy, but im so glad she got to live her best life with us after the rocky start she got as a puppy. not to sound like a cliché, but we rescued her and she really did rescue me too. she changed my entire life and i love her more than anything ?


    on a much happier note, i adopted a new kitty this weekend!!

    her name is jelly bean & she's 2 ? she was a stray her whole life but she's super affectionate and sweet (and loves birdwatching!)


    that's all, pointless pet thread, just wanted to share some high and low happenings in my animal world this month ?

    if any of you have lost or gained pets and are comfy with it i wanna hear their stories too ? ?
  2. My condolences. Cute pets.
  3. I really wish that your baby is happy wherever she is now.
    Jellybean is adorable .

    I had a rottweiler named Devil 4 yrs ago.He got hit by a car when my uncle took him for a walk one morning.We took him to the hospital but the docs said they can't do anything for him except that they can reduce his pain and let him go peacefully.It really hurt a lot and I still miss him.
  4. All dogs go to heaven
  5. It such a struggle to see anything in pain and near death. Makes me think of my dog and can’t help but get emotional.

    Sorry for your loss Kitten
  6. Dogs and selfies ? great thread. Rip your dog tho. :(
  7. Wow that sucks. We've lost many pets, it's always hard losing a member of your family.
  8. Awe I'm so sorry Loosing pets are tough..well loosing anyone is tough really. I'm wrapping you up in tons of virtual hugglesyoir way?? And congrats on your new kitten! So adorable!
  9. Aww, I’m sorry to hear about your dog :(

    Jelly Bean is such a cutie though, and I’m sure you’ll both be happy ?
  10. I had to put both of my babies down last Friday. Ugh I was fucking bawling. I’m so sorry about your baby, I know how it feels. 
  11. Condolence :(

    I also lost a lot of dogs. The most unforgettable was when I came home tipsy asf and when I woke up after a 1 hour sleep, I decided to get ready for school and feed them. I placed their plates near each other idk I'm not thinking straight at that time coz of some personal reasons too. Our German shepherd started growling at the puppy then I panicked, I tried to get the puppy but before I get it, she got bit in the head. I panicked more :? Don't know what to do cause there's a lot of blood, I tried covering the hole on her head but it can't be helped. The hole is too big and I can see its brain :cry: It’s hard to see them dying in front of your eyes knowing you can't do anything to save them. Rest in peace to our lil angels. :cry:
  12. Aww RIP puppy. Your cat is very cute! This thread made me miss my puppy. Can’t stand to watch a movie where a dog gets killed I start crying
  13. Lotsandlotsandlotsandlots of love and support ️
    I'm so sorry for your loss, she sounds like an amazing dog ️️️
    but also jelly bean is adorable and you brighten my day everytime you send me pics tbh ️

    on a diff note, ilysm ️ and imy

  14. Abigail
    Passed away from cancer the Friday before Thanksgiving. She was a snugglebug. If she wanted under the blanket, she'd wake me up and push her head up against my spine all the way under the blanket and plop down. I miss her.

    Emma Jade AKA Bug
    I got her two Fridays after Thanksgiving. She's helped ease the grieving process, but she's literally a little monster. She doesn't snuggle, but more like invades all kinds of privacy. I can't go to the bathroom by myself without her bursting through the door.
  15. Gorgeous bottom picture. My condolences. Cute pets.
  16. Cute. Show more of your fur babies tbh
  17. Aww Bug is a monster, but she's my monster. She gets up under the bed and growls. It's funny.
  18. Awh, this is so pure and heartwarming.
  19. Def in a better place now. Jelly bean looks fierce af tho