There's gold digger among LGBTQ as well ..for example : my ex gf . " i love you but im with her for money .. " she said . And thats why .. she is my ex rn gold digger is everywhere ..cant blame nature lol lol
I know girls who are gold diggers and users tbfh. Unfortunately, I dated two of those kind. I even went as far as paying bills and I stopped going to school but paid her school fees :lol:
I don’t have a problem with them, I suppose. I mean, some babes (males too) are gold diggers, but they are open and clear about, I can respect that, she’s seeking that money, and you’re seeking something from her - you make an agreement, go for it brah. My problem would be with the ones that hide their “intentions” and lie and are devious about it, you gon marry a man for da dough then twenty years after u have 5 kiddos u gon divorce him and take that money bruh that’s just cold. On a sorta related note - hmu gold diggers I have a heart of gold baby
I can agree. Either way everyone is being used. It just depends upon if you're ok with the reason they're using you for.