Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ditzy, May 18, 2018.

  1. I might be deaf cuz i hezr yahee or something

    Nvm i hear lauren now
  2. This killed me btw.
  3. Discussed this in therapy today... It comes down to perception and which side of the brain you use
  4. I see both
  5. Wtf is Yaunez?
  6. LMAO I like that question
  7. I hear yanny, but I don't trust my ears for shit.?
  8. You are like, smart dude ?
  9. Or for military, have a grenade go off near your ear... I DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT... It happened to me not cool
  10. i hear laurel and likely do have high frequency hearing loss. it’s easier for me to hear and understand folks with deeper voices and i often have to have higher voiced people repeat themselves.

    though to be fair the first time i listened to it i heard yanny and laurel like... overlapped.
  11. I hear Yanny...I guess I just discovered that I have high frequency hearing loss a week after my 20th bday... ):

    I see both in FakeHappy's image at least?
  12. But why is this important?
  13. Probably cuz society is bored and clearly have no lives
  14. shes right
  15. It was just a bit of fun to see what others were hearing nobody said it was important
  16. To know if you have "high frequency loss" or nah
  17. I hear jack tbh