Some of mine is the same as some of y'alls SO WORST RL EXPERIENCE....... Being a prison Guard.... Wasn't fun babysitting full grown men, who played mind games, and having an idiot battle buddy who almost got me killed which every anniversary triggers my ptsd and nightmares. So, yay....
Well, it is too personal but it is when I was admitted in the hospital and I couldn't eat nuggets for days.
I’m a cashier and I have a couple stories: I have this customer who singles me out, even if I’m making myself busy when he comes in. The other night he cane in with his daughter, grabs my hand and tells me to fix his daughter’s hair. I tell him I don’t touch customers. And he replies with “I’m the customer and I’m telling you what to do”. Luckily this little girl tells her dad that she doesn’t want her hair fixed. Later on he’s checking out and digs his fingers in my back, like poking me really hard, yelling at me bc he didn’t read the price of these flowers saying things like “oh no, we are not doing this tonight, you need to take these the fook off, they weren’t in the right place.. blah blah blah”. I have more stories but this one is long enough
Hated being a cashier. Standing there at all alone at 11pm having drunk guys come in asking if they could kiss me. And one guy grabbed my shoulder and bruised it when I asked him to leave. 10/10 would never do again.
By law, that's harassment and if management doesn't take care of it, not only can you file a lawsuit against the customer, but against the company. Then, see how fast they fix it. I've been in that situation before at a grocery store as a cashier.
I almost get drown in the sea, i thought my swimming skill was enough to keep me floating but i find that the wave and wind are bigger problem than sharks, i was young and fearless back then