Keep The Blue

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BadAss_VP_HarleysQueen, May 16, 2018.

  1. So the new blue name dates are absolutely adorable! It’s such a beautiful blue, it should so be kept even after this hunt is over!
  2. Support. Blue is my favorite color. I don’t have a rs but everyone else is hella cute.
  3. Support???
    I like the blue alot
    Maybe they should include a baby blue as well?
    Along with other colors like they do on KaW?
  4. Ok go back to kaw

    But support ?
  5. Ooooh who hurt you? 
  6. So it DID change! I thought I was crazy for a minute there lol
  8. Even tho I don’t have one I support it 
  9. I will cri when i goes. I donut have 2 ecs and im in a silly rp club so have no one to show off my blue evem if i had.
  10. When you gonna give me that good cactus rp though? ?
  11. but honor students are like light blue or something. so that would be too muvh blue.

    i like blue tho :(
  12. Support 100%
  13. Support ??‍♀️
  14. Support!

    Not everyone likes Pink and Purple, make the Blue stay!
  15. YES!

    Keep the Blue...

    Lol I sent a ticket asking for it to stay lmao
  16. Yes! Support this! 
  17. I can't have it. No support. ??
  18. Sucks to be you ?