499 ecs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lllll-BUTTERCUP-lllll, May 15, 2018.

  1. Buying biz bort plushie from fyu tchor hunt wmo
  2. English only in forums
  3. The gentleman would like to purchase the ‘Biz Bort’ Plushie (499ec item) from the Fyu-Tchor hunt
  4. The language he used were English. Wdym? ?
  5. She's a bit slow, dun mind her
  6. Ya I got the dumb the doctor takes real good care of me
  7. I wun sum biz boat frm da fyut chur 2 plz
  8. Minorly triggered by that statement 
  9. I also look for the biz Bort in the plushie variety. A chicken for your table I have brought as an offering for your service. If you find such send me a pigeon.
  10. try trade thread