Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 9/10 aww thanks yours looks pretty chill
  2. Awww ty hunny 
  3. 10/10 nice dorm  luv ur 499 and 999
  4. 8. Nicely themed. Would try to find matching furniture.
  5. 8/10. 999ec looks suuuuper outta place. i like the rk'd wall with the coll-edge furni tho.
  6. 8/10 can I get a steak?
  7. Still got a 9/10
  8. 8/10 Looks great, 999 a lil out of place otherwise quite nice
  9. 8/10. A darker green floor would be better imo since it's pretty much the same colour as the bed and rug rn
  10. 7/10
    In my personal opinion the wp doesn’t really fit, and the right side is a little crowded for my liking. The varying shades of green kind of throw my ocd off too.

    But other wise well put together 
  11. O we graded the same person :(
  12. Oof

    Also 9/10 but ya 999 a lil out of place
  13. 6/10
    the chair is crowding the 999
    i donut like the snail or the thing on top of it tbh
  14. 5 - there’s too much pink and too many decorations but it’s not horrible looking
  15. you need to have some furnis for your dorm. It's empty
  16. 5 , i actually like the d&s set , you’re just missing some key parts of it
  17. 8/10 nope