Rate my Dorm Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alice, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. 5 cause half room is missing
  2. 10/10 bless send all furni to me kthx
  3. 9, I think the wallpaper is too over powering
  4. RATE MY DORM! wall me what you think ??
  5. Follow the rules and i will 

    @Lokii 9/10 ?
  6. @Lysa 8/10 i think the bed and above bed need to change just an opinion but overall it was asome

    @Boo 7/10 many furni didn't match the theme
  7. 9/10 — that wp is cute AF
  8. 7/10. Very nice but desk doesn’t match nd no 999, if you could get northern lit desk would become 9/10
  9. 8/10 i actually like the combo , just missing 999 and there’s a pair of dirty undies on the floor ???
  10. At least 10 times better than mine.... but 10 times 0 is still 0 

  11. 1/10 not complete ??‍♀️