Mods/Campus/PvP Hunts

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Sinful_Immortal-, May 8, 2018.

  1. I like all these ideas, but my only complaint is your belief that mods aren't doing their jobs. I just think that there's so much bullshıt that needs to be handled and not enough mods to do it. While I like your ideas about the silencing notification, I also think more mods need to be put on the team in general. There's just so much silencing that needs to be handled that I feel like regardless of whether or not the current mods work all day and only get to come on PIMD for like 30 minutes or they don't work at all and are here 24/7, there's just so much to dig through and a lot of times wc moves so fast that it's hard to silence everyone. The report feature in itself needs to be more reliable on ATA's part as well.
  2. I agree completely with this thread.
  3. Very well put together. There are some parts that I might not agree with, but overall a real step forward towards improving the game.
    ATA did say there are changes coming in a recent thread. Maybe this could also serve as a future goal for them to improve the game.
  4. Ofc support?
  5. hi arsey i luv u
  6. I agree almost with all of this, great to have some ideas being out there constructively
  7. Wow. Amazing ty
  8. The report feature is in beta mode they said...there’s no moderation on this game what so ever...the report feature doesn’t even report anything
  9. I sorta feel like the community could agree on a full list of positive changes that a.t.a could make to PIMD :/ This had a lot, and some new ideas for me that I like.

    I wonder if there could be a definitive list.

    I don't like the pro-cat cafe idea. Would much prefer superpros to return.
  10. How is the report feature still in beta mode? I would think a report feature would be one of a game developer's top priority when making a game
  11. .... It took them 7+ years to introduce it to the game, so not top priority.
  12. It did? Like I said, it should be one of the top priorities and thus one of the basic game features. welp ;-;
  13. Support!!
  14. Thanks for the feedback.

    I don't agree with everything in here but a lot of the issues highlighted are things we are working on. Well written and well thought out post.

    Please realize mods are probably working harder than you know, that being said, we also have some chat features rolling out soon and improvements to report feature as well.

    Thanks again!
  15. Mhmm mhmm continue ?
  16. What does ned stark say in game of thrones again?

    every thing before or after 'but' is ?
  17. I support this, it could bring back the hype for the hunts! I also agree on the announced silences on wc, it could bring more awareness to newbies or yknow. Don’t think that mods are absent tho, they’re doing their job. It’s just that the population of players who desire rp etc. will not lessen anytime soon ? anyway, i appreciate all mods so you should too 
  18. mark i would die for you